Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Brother, My Friend

On Friday night my little brother, MIchael, was killed in a 4-wheeler accident. I think I am still numb. I miss him. He was my friend, my brother, and a great uncle to my babies. I don't know how you ever understand why someone only gets a short 18 years of life, but I do have faith that he is still with us in our hearts.

I miss him and love him, and look forward to hearing the goofy laugh again.

Bye brother . . .


Julie said...

I am so sorry for your sorrow and grief...feelings of love that are entwined, encircled around and in our very heart/soul.
Please know we are thinking, praying and wishing our best for you and all your family.

We love you Megan!
Aunt Julie and Uncle Rick

Christine said...

What a priceless picture. We usually never understand the "whys" in this life, as Julie and many others who have loved ones know. But we hold fast to our faith and know that our Savior knows our pain. We enjoyed Michael in our home several times and mourn his loss with you at this time.

Emma said...

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Genevre said...

I wish I got to know him better. I met him several times and now wish I made better use of the opportunity. I did know that he was a great brother and a great uncle. I am so sorry Megan.

Jessica said...

My mom just called and let me know about your brother. I am so sorry for you and your family. I will be thinking of you, Matt, and your kids. May the Lord bless and comfort all your family during this difficult time.

Beth said...

Megan, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss! The whys are so impossible to figure out at times like these. I hope that time will heal your hearts and memories will ease your pain. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!

About us said...

We are sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers let us know what we can do to help.

Leslie said...

Oh Megan! One day all of our questions will be answered. I hope your knowledge of the gospel will bring you peace at this time of sorrow! Our prayers and thought are with you and your entire family. Your family has always meant the world to me and I wish I could be there now! I love you!

mandy said...

Megan, I am so sorry for your loss. I just got home from Michael's funeral and was thinking about your amazing talk. I think your talk was amazing. I hope you'll post it, or at least parts of it for people to read and look at and remember. Your quotes were amazing. I would love to have them. I'm thinking and praying for you and your family.
Love always, Mandy (Lewis) Woodhouse

AO said...

Oh Megan, I am so sad for you.... know that the O'Berrys are praying and thinking of you!

Steve & Becky said...

Oh Megan, I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your brother when he was little and he was such a cute little boy. I hope you're doing okay and want you to know I'm thinking of you.