Sunday, December 28, 2008

So, here are the Christmas pics from my bunch!

Clearly, Bryce is happy to be awake . . .

Notice that Bryce wants 2 things - a candy cane in one hand and mini m&ms in the other :)

Here is Hailey going through her stocking . . .

Jacob is very ready to jump into the presents . . .

Dad and boys

Bryce LOVED getting his own dinosaur!

Hailey gets to open another one :)

Jacob is very fond of his new shark book that came with a shark tooth necklace!

Bryce and Mickey - what a pair!

Hailey amidst the chaos of Christmas morning :)

and Caleb slept through the whole thing :)

the aftermath . . .

The day after Jacob literally tinkered with his new lego set ALL DAY - notice him looking at the instructions to make something - he is already better at it than I am :)
This Christmas has been a very emotional time for my family with the recent loss of my brother, Michael. We have come together in support of one another and have learned how to rely on each other. This year I have come to personally understand the true meaning of Christmas - that the atonement of our Savior can heal all wounds, that His love is never ending and all encompassing, and that some day all will be made whole as our minds and hearts are filled with a perfect knowledge of His plan for us. Meanwhile, we labor on together, taking each day one at a time, remembering to ask for help when we need it and to give support to those is need. Merry Christmas!


Emma said...

Such sweet pictures! Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Very good!