Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Bunny has come

Easter is here and I thought I would quickly share some pics from Nana's egg hunt (yesterday) and the traditional easter baskets from this morning . . . .

Jacob grabbing an egg

Uncle Scott helps Hailey spot an egg

Hailey and Jacob running for their next catch

What do you want mom? . . . .

A group pic . . . nice face Bryce :)

dragging back 'the loot'

helping herself
Almost everyone :)

I think she is a happy girl

Open please

and Caleb just watches :)

Here are the kids with their baskets from this morning

Jacob got his favorite animal book EVER - 600 pages of animals and dinosaurs and birds and lizards and fish etc etc.

Bryce enjoying a jelly bean

notice all the treats sitting next to his leg - he could care less as long as he has his book to look at :)

Bryce farm book

Hailey's Fairies book

Hailey eating the ears off her chocolate bunny

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