Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Crazy and Fun 4th of July

Here are a whole bunch of pics from our 4th of July weekend in Star Valley. We had a great time and are looking forward to going back some time in the future.

Here is the cabin that Matt and the kids and I stayed in. They were really great inside, each with its own theme (cowboys, bears, moose, etc.)

Bryce activing like a goof while eating breakfast
Nate and Matt relaxing on the porch. The mornings were so nice with the cool foggy air.
Fishing on the river
This was the river that ran literally right across the little dirt road in front of our cabin. It was really beautiful!
Matt and Hailey marching off to fish :)
Uncle Bart and Bryce :)
The fishing crew going to the pond

Hailey was the only one to catch anything! :)
We made lots of crafts for the kids - Jacob was very proud of his visor
Hailey at the parade
Nate and Bryce waiting for the parade to start
The kids and grandpa collecting candy from the floats
The Malmrose decorated their big truck for the parade and all the big kids rode in the back throwing candy
Caleb at the parade
throwing candy
This is how the men participated in the games and races :)
Bryce running in the flag relay
Hailey getting her flag as quick as she can!
Hurry Hailey!
Run Hailey Run
We launched waterballoons at each other with parachuts over the volleyball net

And it quickly ended up in an all-out water fight :)

Hailey thought Earl was sooooo funny while filling the water baloons
Bryce liked chasing the bubbles

Jacob loved being a 'big kid' during the fireworks
lighting them with dad
Bryce and Uncle Matt
and chillin' with grandma
There was a dog, Jud, that lives at the cabin that Jacob just loved - he really wanted to bring him home and keeps asking when we can see him again

There was a second water fight with the remaining balloons right before coming home :)
This is how Caleb preferred to travel
Just cute

and more cute
Can't you just hear her, 'what do you want mother?'
Hailey and her 'big friend' Lexi looking for wild flowers


Christine said...

Wow, what fun!

Steve & Becky said...

That looks like so much fun!!